Where is Yuliana?

Yuliana’s aunt was the music director for our parish. So, Yuliana was at most of the Masses. Some Sundays, Yuliana was there for every single Mass.

At first, Yuliana spent her time close to her aunt, who was at the organ at the front, right part of the church. Yuliana sat in the front pew.

As Yuliana got more comfortable, she spent her time at Mass in other parts of the church.

Sometimes, Yuliana was sitting with a family that had girls about her age.

Sometimes, Yuliana sat with an older couple.

Sometimes, Yuliana sat in the cry room with a family who had a young baby.

Sometimes, Yuliana moved around from place to place.

Sometimes, Yuliana would walk up the aisle next to the altar servers when they marched in at the beginning of Mass.

Yuliana knew everyone and everyone knew her.

People started to come into the church for Mass and ask, “Where’s Yuliana?”

She seemed to be in a different place every week. Some said that it was like “Where’s Waldo?” People really liked to see Yuliana. She was full of energy and made friends so quickly.

One time, Yuliana held hands with the priest as they walked in together at the beginning of Mass. Yuliana even walked up into the sanctuary right next to the altar. She stayed there for a while and imitated everything that the priest did.

That was the best way for Yuliana to learn. She didn’t learn things as well when she just read about them or just watched them from a distance. She learned best when she did them.

She learned all about the church and all about the Mass by acting things out this way. She was too young for Communion, but she learned about it by standing beside a Eucharistic Minister who gave out the Holy Bread. Yuliana acted out that she was also giving out the Holy Bread.

She became so knowledgeable about all the parts of the Mass that once when a Eucharistic Minister started, Yuliana showed him where to stand and what to do. When a new altar server started, Yuliana showed her where to stand and what to do. When there was no greeter, Yuliana handed out the church bulletins and said “Hello” to everyone.

Yuliana even knew most of the priest’s parts and was ready in case he was ever sick.

Everyone knew Yuliana and she knew everyone. Yuliana was a great member of our parish.

See you next week, Yuliana, wherever you will be! We all will be looking for you.


Beatitales: Fables on the Beatitudes (Jared Dees)


The Fallen Present